Well its sad but true, all Land Rovers rust. Many people think that Land Rovers are made of Aluminium and they will last forever, but what they don’t realise is there is a lot of Steel under that Aluminiun skin, what makes this worse is that the Steel chassis, bulkhead, and lots more Steel brackets etc are not treated with any anti-corrosion, only a thin coat of black paint that lasts about 5 years if your lucky, then the rust sets in and within the next few years the chassis needs welding and the bills start to mount up, but it doesn’t have to get to that point if you treat the corrosion before it gets too bad.
After many years of testing rust converters on Land Rovers, we found that many are rubbish and don’t work, some of the very expensive ones were quite good, but not great, and they cost the earth. So we have found a chemical company that will make a rust converter to our specification and budget. We live by the sea and the salt water is very corrosive, so where better to test our new rust converter, well, I say new, we have been testing our Metalmorphosis (rust converter) for nearly 2 years and with great results, I use it on all my restorations and Land Rover repairs.
We at Landroverblogger are on a mission to help people repair and preserve there Land Rovers. We all know that welding repairs can be very expensive, and in many cases Land Rover chassis and Discovery body shells can get beyond repair, leaving you with the option of a costly rebuild or your Land Rover being scrapped. Our metalmorphosis will help to stop further corrosion of your Land Rover and at a very low cost, a 250ml bottle will treat a Land Rover crossmember and 2 ltrs will treat a chassis (depending on how many coats and the length of chassis).
Metalmorphosis, can be purchased from their ebay store and is availiable in 250ml, 500ml, 1ltr, 2ltr & 5ltr.
You will need:
- A paint brush, a cheap throw away one will do.
- A container to decant the rust converter into, I recommend using a clean plastic tub, e.g. soup pot or ice-cream tub or an old tea cup etc, as long as it is clean.
Top Tip : This liquid will stain your clothes so make sure your not in your Sunday best!
Firstly you must shake the bottle well to ensure the contents are thoroughly mixed. Please note it is normal for some separation to occur.
Pour a small amount of Metalmorphosis into your container, you can always refill it. (Do not pour any used Metalmorposis back into the bottle as this will effect the product)

The second thing you must do is to prepare the rusted surface for treatment, you must wire brush the area and remove as much loose rust as possible, the Steel surface must be free of grease or oil.

Once the surface is free of lose rust you can now apply the Metalmorphosis using a paint brush. Make sure you cover all the rusted area with a good coating. Sometimes if the surface is heavily rusted (pitted) you will need to apply 2 coats.
Metalmorphosis can not be applied during very low temperatures (below 5 degrees). However steel work can be pre-warmed (no more than 26 degrees) by using a heat gun, then you can apply the rust converter, this will cure faster due to warmer temperature. I would only recommend doing this if you have to treat during the winter months.

Here is a front coil spring mount that is now treated (The surface will turn black when cured), and ready for paint or waxoil.

These are pictures of typical areas that suffer from rust (Land Rover battery box) before treatment.

After first treatment the Steel has turned black. Due to the heavy pitted rust 2 coats of Metalmorphosis will be applied to stop any further corrosion, it will then be waxoiled.

The doors on Land Rover’s are prone to suffering from rust on the steel frames, With the one above the bottom rail has been replaced but the rest of the steel frame has only surface rust, this can treated to stop any further corrosion.

Before (wire brushed and flap wheel sanded)

After, the rust has turned black.
When Metalmorphosis has cured it leaves a primed surface ready for paint, see the pictures below as an example:
Before treatment.

After treatment, ready for paint.

I have used Metalmorphosis on Steel gates, wheels, fuel tanks, etc, you can use this rust converter on any thing Steel.
Metalmorphosis neutralizes rust leaving a primed ready to paint surface.
We treated various steel items in Metalmorphosis, and left them unpainted outside in this harsh sea side location for many months with no rust showing through. However don’t just take our word for it, see some of our testimonials below.
So if you want to keep your Land Rover from rusting away, get a bottle of Metalmorphosis and stop the rot!
Our Metalmorphosis is available to buy through Landroverblogger shop on Ebay.
source: https://www.landroverblogger.com/our-rust-converter-stops-your-land-rover-rusting-away
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